Wynwood Yoga

๐Ÿ”— wynwoodyogastudio.com
๐Ÿ“ 584 NW 26th St, Miami, FL 33127
๐Ÿ“ž 786-558-9390
๐Ÿ’Œ info@wynwoodyogastudio.com
๐Ÿ“ฑ Instagram / Facebook / Twitter


with Jeri Shechtman โœถ 12/27/2023

The studio was urban inside and out. I felt like I was inside a building where work was meant to be done, and Jeri definitely brought the workout. There were no lockers to lock your personal belongings - only cubbies - but they didnโ€™t stop me from bringing my wallet and phone into the studio, which I thought was nice because Iโ€™m not one to leave my personal belongings unattended. A killer mural in our practice room listed the yamas and niyamas out repetitively. I really enjoyed being able to re-familiarize myself with them during my pre-practice meditation. It was extremely enjoyable to read them while preparing myself for asanas. I enjoy studios that take the spiritual/intellectual side (Samkhya Philosophy) into consideration. This one hit the nail on the head.

The class had a great soundtrack, and Jeri had an incredible diaphragm that could be heard above all. Her voice was incredibly invigorating, and her attention to breathing cues was so helpful in pushing me through the peak poses. Usually, I rely on visual cues during a flow because itโ€™s hard for me to comprehend verbal information to begin with - but when Iโ€™m in a flow state, itโ€™s generally next to impossible for me to hear / keep up with auditory commands. Jeri had requisite projection so I could consume her verbal commands in real-time. There was ample room around me once practice started, even though the room was full of yogis. I enjoyed the personal space afforded by the nice layout of the room.

I do not believe that the heat system here was infrared, but I could be wrong. I just felt less dried out than usual. For some reason, infrared heat makes me feel very dry, and I felt nice and moist in this room. I believe that means the heating system used was not infrared, but again, Iโ€™m not an expert and cannot find anything about it online. I felt like it was easier to recoup on an inhale and that I could breathe much deeper in this studio than in most hot yoga classes. The heat was high enough for me to sweat my butt off, but at no point did I feel like I needed to take a beat from the flow.

Jeriโ€™s flow was top-tier powerful. I am a not-aranga gal - so I was a bit worried at first during the warm-up because it was predominately chaturanga-based. However, Jeri surprised me with some really hardcore static holds after the warm-up. These static holds were well dispersed between tons of fun flow work. I thoroughly enjoyed the intensity of the sequence once the long holds took over.

I never felt like there was too much because she had an incredible way of creating breaks between powerful poses and not-so-powerful poses for your breath to catch and your body to cool down. I had so much fun with the sequence - it was dance-like - and it provided so many moments for amplification. It was really fun to be able to pop up into Birds of Paradise! Not many classes provide an opportunity for this pose, but Jeriโ€™s did, and it felt fantastic. I loved all of the opportunities for binds as well.

This studio has a tower fairy who will gift you a sweet, cold release after your hot-as-hell workout. An icy cold towel after a 75-minute sweat session cannot be beaten.

This studio is kickass, and Jeri is a powerhouse.

(Tip: Power Flow is called Hot Power Yoga at this studio)

Update โœถ 1/8/2024: I took a second class with Jeri and Iโ€™m just here to add that her hands on adjustments are so incredible. She gave such relaxing lower back massage type adjustments during Gorilla pose and pigeon pose that in the couple of seconds she had her hands on me I was as relaxed as if someone gave me a 10 minute massage. Thereโ€™s something so transporting about a small amount of healing touch when youโ€™re deep into a power flow and your body is unable to truly find that zen that comes only during Savasana. Jeriโ€™s handโ€™s on adjustments will fill you with that small amount of boosted energy necessary to come back into the flow with renewed passion.


with Sophia Cortes โœถ 1/13/2024

Sophia led a strong flow. I thoroughly enjoyed the restorative poses that were peppered throughout the extreme sequence. It was similar to the savasanas that happen during a Bikram class. There were lots of moments where I could just fully relax in between extremely challenging choreography.

Sophia had great control of pace and offered opportunities for amplification. There were a lot of movements that we did from a plank or tabletop position, which allowed us to work on our core without having to devote one section of the sequence exclusively to it; it allowed me to give more effort, being that the core was spread out throughout the class.

I enjoyed how tough she was while bringing so much zen to the class. It was the perfect balance of kickass and calm. I highly recommend her.

(Tip: Power Flow is called Hot Power Yoga at this studio)


WITH ZOE MADERA โœถ 1/20/2024

Zoe is guaranteed to show you a fun time and expose you to a deep-rooted endurance you might have doubted you had. I love how her flows send you around your mat. I followed her here from another studio - and she brought a fun mandala choreography in the first flow I experienced with her. Her sequencing is beautifully designed and not run-of-the-mill. She brings spice to the sequence that gives me the right type of exhaustion when Iโ€™m done. I love that she provides options for simplification and modification so that everyone from all levels of practice can feel right at home.

A power/yin in one class as a combination series was new to me. I felt so nice afterward. I felt like I kicked butt hard with fast-paced movement but then got somewhat of a hatha long hold style restorative experience once the yin portion began to surface. It was a wonderful mix of fast and slow. Strong and stretched. I truly would not have imagined how well these two worlds work together - but Iโ€™m sure it had everything to do with Zoeโ€™s expertise in weaving them together.

It was a nice, warm room and not too hot. I had so much energy after leaving this class because it fully charged me with energy to move hard during the power portion, but in the end, the extended relaxation period allowed me to amplify that energy internally and really focus it intentionally once the class was finished. I felt razor-sharp in my mind and body.

Zoe gave the most incredible hands-on adjustments - a couple of deep presses into my back during sleeping pigeon pose, and it sincerely felt like I had a full body massage worth of relief. She ended practice with a wonderful quote about vulnerability.

This studio never disappoints. I had such a fantastic practice.


Yoga Plus


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