Modo Yoga

πŸ“ 1935 West Ave, 205, Miami Beach, FL, United States, Florida
πŸ“ž 786-216-7878
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with KASIA ✢ 1/6/2024

The room was beautifully lit with extremely warm and soft dimmable bulbs. The heat in the yoga room was my favourite kind. Just enough to melt your muscles - but the basis of the sweat came from the workout - not an excessive swampy heat.

Kasia took me for a ride. I never knew where she was going to go next. She lead us through some extravagant choreography. Her sequence was a wonderful performative dance. She guided the class by practicing alongside us and had such a beautiful execution of the poses.

Kasia’s sequence provided so much lengthening of the entire body, not just the spine. I felt like my legs and arms were given the same room to grow and the attentive instruction that my spine generally receives. Kasia did not disappoint in pushing strength-building to the max. There was a lot of work starting from plank pose to more complicated poses. It was nice to have plank become somewhat of the downward dog during the flow. The downward dog felt like a mini savasana because of this. I relished in the downward dog pauses more presently because it wasn’t the go-to breather pose.

There was such a subtle parlay from the integration/warm-up portion of the class to the power-packed parts. There was an organic blurring of lines between the two. The heated and cooling asanas were so well enmeshed in a back-and-forth that I never felt maxed out at any point, but I felt incredibly challenged throughout. The fuzzy delineation between the sections of the sequence allowed me to give my all from the start to finish of class. The ease and effort seemed to overlap each other in an endless rally that disallowed me to wonder what time it was and how far we were into the practice. Her rhythm really helped me stay present.

Kasia provided many opportunities to amplify and modify during the sequence. I had a lot of fun throwing myself into unexpected arm balances and exciting inversions when I least expected it. At the end of practice, my mind felt so calm - yet my body was extremely energized.

When a cool towel surprise landed on my forehead at the end of practice: savasana became perfect. I enjoyed practicing here and enjoyed being led through the sequence by Kasia.


YO BK Wynwood


Hanu Yoga