Bring It Om

πŸ“ 1186 North Highland Ave, Suite D, Atlanta GA 30306
πŸ“ž 770-687-8542
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Power Flow

with Chris Buckner ✢ 12/21/2023

The studio was clean, warm, and welcoming. I personally enjoy a studio with a neutral palette because it lends space for the mind to clear. It gives a blank slate vibration to start the practice with. It definitely assists in clearing the mind of moods and thoughts. For me, the special treat was a wooden ceiling. Because this class was heated, the room had a deep, natural smell of wood. I’ve never had the pleasure of practicing inside of a studio with a heated room and a wooden ceiling, and I definitely find it grounding to smell something so natural when I’m deep breathing. It was similar to being in a sauna - an aromatherapy of sorts. I never knew how much I loved the smell of warm wood until I spent an hour sweating my butt off in Chris’s power flow. Usually, in hot yoga classes, all I can smell is the disinfectant, but this studio had none of that.

The room was nice and quiet before the practice. No cell phones in sight and no chit-chat. I enjoyed a very nice prepractice savasana. The infrared heat was perfectly situated so that you were hot all over in a well-diversified way but not feeling like a rotisserie chicken.

The lighting was my favourite. Too often, I have attempted to practice and achieve an absolute zen state, but the lighting is so abrasive that it’s impossible for me to relax. I generally practice with my eyes closed because of my sensitivity to garish lighting. The lighting at this studio was romantic. There was a fixture right above my head, so when my eyes cracked open, I was worried that I might be blinded, but they were circular sci-fi saucers of soft but effective lighting. There were (LED) candles placed along the floor's perimeter and a string of soft string lights winding through them. The lighting was one of the best I have practiced in. There was no choice but to feel at home and in absolute peace because the lighting so definitively set the mood.

Chris definitely brought the power to the flow. I devoured his energy. He is an incredible motivator who will provide a serious dose of uplift right when you need it most in your practice. His sequencing was strong and entertaining. The difficulty level was perfect for a power flow - it kicked my ass - yet never seemed to overwhelm me because his verbal cues were so elevating. He took me to a level of endurance I could not have experienced alone - his energy is inspiring. There is a physical aesthetic someone carries when they treat their body like a temple: Chris has perfected the biomechanics of his own body at a top-tier level. He’s also got gorgeously composed body art to accentuate his beautiful form. I love to learn from instructors who have perfected their own practice to the point where their bodies have transformed into art - Chris is one of those teachers.

I was given a cold lavender-infused towel to put over my face during savasana. The scent was strong and transporting. My forehead relaxed on another level without me needing to relax it consciously. Lavender definitely works wonders to command the body to chill out.

I definitely recommend this studio to anyone who wants to get a hardcore workout but also achieve deep rooted calm during their practice. I hope to return when I’m in Virginia-Highland, Atlanta area again.


Mimi Yoga